
I am an Italian PhD fellow in Mathematics at the University of Ferrara, mostly interested in Many-Valued Logics, Automated Theorem Proving and Symbolic Machine Learning. I am also part of the Applied Computational Logic and Artificial Intelligence Lab at the University of Ferrara. At the moment, I am also a visiting PhD student at the University of Queensland.

The main goal of my research is to improve Symbolic Machine Learning algorithms through the use (and relative study) of non-classical logic, with a double aim:

  • managing to better treat uncertainties and intricate relations in the data
  • enhancing Interpretable AI systems performance so that one does not have to give up model interpretation to get accurate outputs

In the last year I manly focused on the study of Many-Valued Logics and their algebraic counterpart, contributing to the development of analytic tableaux systems for these logics up to the Many-Valued Modal case, specifically for a Many-Valued version of the Halpern and Shoham Interval Temporal Logic.

I am also a Computer Scientist, so (almost) all of my work is (or will be) also implemented. In the last year, I became very fond of the Julia programming language, and I have been contributing to the development of the Sole.jl ecosystem, a framework for symbolic, transparent, and interpretable machine learning. Specifically, I have been contributing on the Many-Valued Logic support of SoleLogics.jl, a Julia package for computational logic provifing easy manipulation of propositional and (multi)modal logics, logical formulas and interpretations, as well as algorithms for finite model checking, and on the development of SoleReasoners.jl, a Julia package providing a sat solver and an automatic theorem prover based on analytic tableau techniques for Propositional, Modal, Many-Valued, and Modal Many-Valued Logics.

If any of these topics tickles your mind, don’t be afraid of reaching me!